
Xie Aoyu made similar control

Xie Aoyu is asoul body itself to enter an arrow from the ancient times within days ,Wang Jian kill broken day and divine god-king war moment ,picture is blurred ,completely unable to rely on the concept of understanding war and took the opportunity to epiphany opportunities, which made Xie Aoyu want to curse .
About World War II fuzzy things ,dragon eagle was not mentioned, now become like this ,can wait ,Xie Aoyu did not know what to do ,his soul did not leave out days arrow ,but sight has been completely blurred ,he could not even see the figure ,as the original clear water ,suddenly turbidity ,despite Xie Aoyu trying to look, but also see nothing .
The Xie Aoyu thing is ,he wants to destroy days arrow from back out ,Timberland Womens Roll Top,should not do .Seems to be stuck in here .In Xie Aoyu to leave out, a vast with supreme coercion spirit force wave suddenly in this arc days arrow world riot up .
The spirit of strong ,like to sweep the whole world .Boundless spirit move Xie Aoyu spirit also drastic fluctuation ,itself in Xie Aoyu spirit in Angel Island ,have been recovered ,but because of his spirit now far more than their own realm can reach the level ,almost equivalent to fight king peak level of the spirit, and he also impossible to control ,it is always for the promotion state as soon as possible ,thus controlling their own spiritual force ,then ,with the spiritual storm ,his fighting force is really terrible .
Realm of the ascension is not so easy ,so far ,Xie Aoyu had repeatedly tried to control the surge of spiritual force ,but has not been able to control ,or even two ,nearly tipping spirit, after all, his spirit is from the supreme strong imprint of the spirit and decay ,although have become his spirit force ,but there are still hidden .
Now eliminate days arrow abrupt emerging mental force ,let Xie Aoyu know ,what is called the boundless spirit, is sweeping the world ,such as the vast sky .Xie Aoyu in the middle ,Timberland Earthkeepers Sandals,like standing in the waves surging sea in a boat ,even do not have the capacity to resist ,his mind is a very majestic ,is equivalent to fight king peak level of spiritual force ,so far can not control ,but in this unexpected appearance of spiritual force before, his spiritual force that is a small river ,and this spirit is the sea ,completely out of proportion ,the gap is too great .
This is going to hell ! Xie Aoyu said .In the face of this abnormal mental force storm ,Timberland Mens Fur Lined,he simply does not have the ability to fight .He wanted to break away from the destroyed the sagitta ,are also affected ,as enclosed here ,let him out of my way to eliminate days arrow from the inside out .
This time he felt for the first time ,and not by him .To be or not to be, for others to control .Xie Aoyu could not help but smile ,and that this could by inactivating days arrow records once the supreme war ,and enlightenment, even with this view in his understanding ,to fight king level after the state, can easily enter the war King peak level ,but now ?Not only did not get to see that the war ,even facing death .
Dragon Eagle lying to me ? There is no resistance ,to Xie Aoyu had some changes , ,by virtue of its strength ,want to kill me ,just lift a finger ,timberland cheap boots,you don so setbacks . He watched the sweep across the whole eliminate days arrow null space spirit storm ,wondering , this spiritual power is afraid of even the Dragon Eagle did not know .
His vanity standing, was originally into the Dragon Emperor of Qi ,now recovered ,the Dragon Emperor gas has to retire, he is no longer a tyrannosaurus looked like ,but body looked like .
call ... ... The dreadful spirit wild dancing .Xie Aoyu stood among them, like a boat ,be scrolling wanders up and down, but did not feel confused and disoriented ,his mind while also appeared J ī swing,but did not completely rioted ,so as to what constitutes just hurt him ,the spirit of the beat with the pound of Bo spirit dance track as like as two peas ,appears to mimic .
bang ... ... Suddenly, a sound of explosion sound came .Xie Aoyu tried to the sound of the explosion came to see to ,but see the blurred images in this crazy surging spirit center position was gradually clear up .
Unfortunately ,the fight was over .He that destroyed the day arrow through divine god-king eyebrows silver s èhorizontaleye position ,from its head out of ,the same divine god-king power cut off of the arrow the king to kill broken day god arch ,not into his heart .
Along with the two supreme existence in overflow a boundless spirit, into the flying arrow killing day .Yes,Timberland Classic Cheap, I am. Xie Aoyu, seeing this ,immediately after a foul .This destroyed the day the spirit is actually the arrow arrow king to kill broken days and divine god-king two supreme strong part of the spirit of cohesion and become, no wonder so tough to the point .
Xie Aoyu simply gave up trying to suppress their spiritual force and outside the horror spirit contact idea ,that doesn .In his view ,to resist ,the impossible .Unable to resist, then try to come into contact with it, the spirit of the power of the two masters had already fallen hundreds of thousands of years ,just off days arrow became the only exist ,so the raging spirit is the main content, the white ,than the original Angel Island in the wind spirit to the left of the supreme spiritual brand is not strong ,the imprint of the spirit at least to other spiritual force attack host brand ,the spirit force that is natural, the most pure ,not a trace in the presence of inclusions have master .
Although the violent spirit ,but as the most pure items ,whether it can make his mark ? Is not out ,this spirit so riots ,Timberland Custom,sooner or later can move my spirit force follow tyranny ,it really is dead ,and wait for death ,try to control it from ever two supreme strong spiritual force ! Xie Aoyu strongly desire to survive to make him give birth to small great ideas .
Do not move ,then wait for death .Hand ,the success probability is very small ,but at least there is chance for survival ,and if successful ,may even bring unimaginable benefits .Xie Aoyu is naturally choose adventure strike .
Call ... ... Xie Aoyu exhaled Zhuoqi to oneself ,he said: we can as far as possible to take control of their own mentality is the first step to be faced with the problem . His spirit because of containing a strong ancient supreme brand impurities ,unless to fight king peak level boundary can completely control ,so still have to start their own problem solving .
Xie Aoyu swallowed the mood ,try to control their spiritual force .His mind to other religious class master ,absolute majestic sea ,just outside the spirit power to appear too small .
Ideation issued, Xie Aoyu went out to control their spiritual force . bang ... ... He was somewhat movement ,his spirit is like a sleeping beast suddenly were he to stab J ī wake, revealing the bloodthirsty fangs ,violent riots up .
The ancient strong left behind a brand residue remained defiant ,a move that spirit is the overmatch that part, stirred the spirit of Xie Aoyu hai to and outside the same situation, like the stormy .
t believe ! Xie Aoyu made similar control part of spiritual force to destroy the ancient strong left behind a brand of residue ,as long as the residue to slay them ,then to have complete control over their spiritual force .
But it is his spiritual home .Such a war ,will impact your body .Not only do so ,Xie Aoyu ,dire consequences must do ,otherwise there is no hope ,can only wait for death . Brush ! He made a strong impact in the past, the old brand residue also crazy together ,originally is decentralized ,in the face of the crisis, instantly together, constitute a vague figure ,also carrying a huge force recoil .
Both were the most intense fighting . ! Just a hit ,Xie Aoyu condense the spirit force nearly blew apart, his body is ejected from a blood arrow ,suffered some trauma .Not to be Xie Aoyu stabilized, the fuzzy figure once more to .
This Xie Aoyu is cruel to deny him ,spines J īhistyranny . Bang bang ... ... More than 10 consecutive times ,the spirit of Xie Aoyu force almost completely collapsed .He simply could not destroy the wire the strong brand of residue, not to speak of complete control of spiritual force .
Seeing another shock arrival ,thank Aoyu angry , good ,good ,you asked for it ,I want to completely erase all your ! Xie Aoyu has been unable to resist when coming to control mental stress release out ,and outside the main with such as sky spirit force for contact .
A main rage .An intentional contact .The derelict boundless spirit is found off the mouth , bang ,the boundless spirit with topple the mountains and overturn the seas force into the spirit of Xie Aoyu sea ,be the first to bear the brunt of the fuzzy figure became the first time impact, the main spiritual force is only one walk ,the the strong leave residue spirit was so .

