
inner temperature drop

Pull wire cage sea ,far-flung network !Will this several day Saint palace life enveloped into cloud moments ,a stalk cutting without intermittently out ,flying on perfusion Gang gas emitting crystal light ,in the shares of pure magic power ,more than 10 handle knife is spread out in a large net, up and down around the shuttle back and forth unceasingly ,cutting the several days Palace master body .
spirit order all Gang gas just to maintain the moment he cracked, feel the knife from power and destruction ,which few people are a pale, not yet had time to withdraw the toxic cloud ,he felt very painful for some pores ,pores in the body toxins along quickly towards the spread .
Poisoning !The poison is poison shadow sword ,that is the spirit order is overwhelming . Puff puff ... ... Flying cutting human voices carry ,the several day Saint palace students not scream again and again fell to the ground .
Although not fatal ,but it also enough to keep them in a short period of time to lose most fighting force UGGs Raya Boots.Be rampant. Xiao Shen Ning a roar ,took down the wind back to his time ,both feet on the ground a little ,like an arrow flying shot out ,with a quick flick of the wrist ,a hidden in the sleeve in the soft sword reflects penetrating light ,straight down the wind to stab vest .
The presence of the people ,on the wind Tang hate ,nobody is better than not Xiao Shen Ning ,so at the moment, he is also the first release .And no one dare underestimate spirit order goods master namely is Tang wind nor .
Will rush to their own side of the several day Saint palace outlasted the students ,to spare none ,but from behind sword but did not give the Tang style this time ,without looking back ,a hidden weapon in behind to shoot, with a pale golden ,just hit the Xiao Ning sword above .
Hang a soft sound, flying is distorted, Xiao Shen Ning hand soft sword is bent into a huge arc, then gave a bomb ,bomb will be flying into the air .Xiao Shen Ning edge ,the teeth ring GA Ba ,sword will rise again, a Tang wind struck to angry face .
Soft sword like a hole in the snake general sloshing around ,instant entwined in the style of Tang Dynasty .Xiao Shen Ning look a like ,did not think so easy enough ,a gang gas filling soft sword in hand ,a shake ,soft sword momentary shaking back and forth hundreds of times .
This handle soft sword is heavenly ,but a very sharp, so cutting hundreds of times ,even if the wind Tang is spirit order goods can not afford .The thought to see Tang on local scene ,but Xiao Ning but faintly .
Something ,then looked at ,soft sword wrapped where is what wind Tang ,is just a ghost ,cut hundreds of times, the ghost will disappear in smoke .The speed so fast !In the last days show cases of Xiao Ning not head-on with ginseng Tang style battle ,actually did not know how his ability ,just now, the speed of some fantastic ,the rapidly moving shadow left body ,even in a short period of time to fool your eyes .
The side of a sword to hit, Xiao Shen Ning is almost a conditioned reflex in general back to bite block ,a handle ,two heavenly intersect ,Xiao Shen Ning couldn push pedal pedal stepped back ,but is not a body blow down wind ,flash, and disappear in front of .
Where ?Xiao Shen Ning concentrated ,conscious shop open ,in the side peripheral perception Tang wind exists ,the next moment ,he will see each other in thirty feet from their own premises ,like the wolf into the tigers into more than a dozen days general Palace camp .
Used to describe music Shen Ning utterly routed eyes see things will not be excessive, that more than a dozen to run amuck in the earthly world spirit order master now defenseless ,the sword handle green wave, violent gang gas eruption ,a clump of blood has shot out ,screaming as one falls ! ! Xiao Shen Ning quickly managed to rescue ,finally arrived at the wind Tang side ,after his move ,but that more than 10 days students and lay down about half the palace .
Xiao Shen Ning gas is broken !On the realm ,he and the wind Tang eight two jins, it is their own ,more than a dozen ideas into spirit order aggregation location ,careless can he just do, may not be so in a clean manner ,but never lose to him much .
But now the position is different, Xiao Shen Ning also do not want to and down wind have these tools ,he can in his nose injury holy palace of students ,can get out alive .Strong burst of gang gas fluctuation ,and fighting sound ,early days the palace the closed-door practice master who was attracted by the Rishi ,palace of spirit order more, Tang Xiao Shen Ning winds and two battle around the three layer and three layer ,although look at fiercely as a tiger does at the Tang style ,but nobody came back .
This man is able to order goods the Xiao Ning Ling Senate played on ,or even do a job with skill and ease ,rushed forward is death .They are now waiting for protectors orders ,as long as the protectors of order, the presence of nearly a hundred people came ,can get into this holy palace rebellion come to a bad end .
spirit order from strength . Protectors on Tang wind that a sound ,then asked : Su Dharma ,you and he fought ,this person to have what special place ? Sue love water light pursed lips ,memories of that day in day show in the rain lake on the battle ,a time of silence .
Su protectors ,although this man saved your life, but don you are holy palace of the Dharma ,the people in the holy palace slander my students ,no forgiveness of sin ! Li Jiansheng to examine sb.
,coldly reminds .Sue love water with a sigh ,said : the intrinsic protectors ,the biggest special that you can see, is extremely fast ,strength strong !He has the speed and force, far more than the general spirit order goods .
Under the fought with him you are always in a passive situation . Protectors squint at the battle of Tang style ,not by nods expresses : this talented information ,the battle every action is not superfluous ,fight rhythm is very strong also UGG Women's Kenly,Xiao Dharma has been dragging him move, strange world ,what is a good resource ,can let him Cuilian so superior body ,right, his gang power is what ? Ice .
Su whispered love water . No wonder you to be in his hand . Protectors at Su love water again, this man gang power is ice UGGs Mens Ascot Boots,completely overcomes Su Gang love water stream power .
East wing. Protectors turned to look to the East wei . Under the . To help Xiao ,a helping hand . Is ! Weidong building shook the shoulders ,with both feet on the ground to pedal ,the jerks ,the ground even cracked a moire .
Now if this day show down wind what moral when, he dare to Saint palace provocation alone ,would have faced a siege situation .Tang Fengzheng and Xiao Shen Ning entanglement ,fought neck-and-neck ,Xiao Shen Ning is at least spirit order goods ,Tang wind although not fear him, can now own strength ,want to quickly kill him ,but also useful stepless Jing awn sword only ,other do not give yourself the opportunity Timberland Leather,Tang wind nor will eat strength wave .
When a sound is to fight ,thunder from the side came, then, a frightened people breaking the sound by air .Tang wind at dance ,sword back flute ginseng Ning ,without thought, with his back .
The blow broke down all the force of wind ,fist Ying Wei East iron fist ,two fists together ,make loud noise .Under the watchful eyes of the people ,the wind Tang and Weidong building two is almost at the same time in acute back after ten feet ,the body in the air out of a faint shadow .
Two people standing ,both behind dozens of feet ,it came two roar .It is the fist time is not completely offset ,playing to tens of feet outside the building .Rumble ,was fist Jin spread to the two buildings, suddenly turns into a waste .
The very big effort ! Weidong building head, glanced at his fist ,and then looked at the mouth of the Tang style ,generously praise .Right back at you. Tang wind light in response to a sentence ,the man was tall, oneself from the ghost of information received also know this Weidong building force is infinite, but that his strength with himself eight two .
Tang wind frightened ,Weidong building and protectors and others also frightened .The building of great strength no ground for blame it properly ,the results of other people where can down wind shadow ,weak ,don like a huge power of people .
Die ! Xiao Shen Ning back again ,while the style of Tang Dynasty and Wei East to void ,sneak over again . Cold ,day cream bird flies certainly ! Tang left office a snow-white, poison shadow sword from biting chill ,radius of Baizhang inner temperature drop .
Xiao Shen Ning offensive could not resist a meal ,a gang of gas in the chill even have signs of depression ,shall not to frantically running Gang gas ,which offset the chill in the air, but this time ,the sword out curtain has hit .
Each one contains the cold taste ,let a person cannot be fully exercise the way of resolving the chill .Xiao Shen Ning hand soft sword in a few short rest time and down wind against dozens of times, speed falls again ,it is going to keep each other move transform ,Xiao Shen Ning could not help but low growl .
The sound of a cry from the eagle ,Tang Feng Xiao Shen Ning was behind a flash of the eagle and then a powerful Gang gas emission from him ,into two eagle wings ,his body completely in one package .
knock ... ... Poison shadow sword waving in the Xiao Shen Ning but can hurt him nothing ,all the gang gas formation winged Eagle blocked ,and Xiao Shen Ning speed is faster ,Tang wind sword strokes is not finished, he pulled a Houdini ,shining down wind sword curtain North Face Women's GTX Sale.
This is the gang heart strength utilization ?Tang Feng frown ,he knows that Xiao Shen Ning Degang heart is the eagle ,but that is also applied to this level .Not to ignore Xiao ginseng Ning ,Tang wind dance move again .
Snow ,snow plum proud to exorcism of evil UGGs Classic Cardy Boots Sale! The four seasons of winter sword sword in the most powerful defensive action ,move move instantaneously ,Tang wind like a personification of everlasting of towering snow-capped mountains, and white clouds change into grey dogs.

