
Chamber ,a group of people suddenly

Willow tree inside the tower ,wind Tang looked at a group of some be very upset spirit order master ,took the boa handed over tea ,sit on the chair ,gently sip ,then asked : what is ? Ouyang Yu points out : the intrinsic gate ,is sandy house person .
edition updated the fastest to it is their UGGs Montclair Sale!Previously know spirit order master went to wacky days show time ,Tang wind is expected this, and now Ouyang Yu was undoubtedly confirmed the expected heart .
The presence of the people ,the other person may not know death house, but Ouyang Yu is different, he is blood fog city master ,all the year round and sandy palace dealing, natural body can do .
Is it right? Eight people ? Tang Feng eyes asked .Ouyang Yu is not surprised : the door main how do you know? Does eight people came to here ,which is the leading one day Saint palace spirit order goods master Xiao Shen Ning ,the strength of strong, but sandy Palace House seat in three one of the master ,if not a spirit girl stop ,that a war we would be disastrous .
Tang wind nodded ,before he did not think too much .But with this time happened ,this eight day Saint palace of the master is very likely to day show case for white lazy .In Baidi Town, Tang and the eight of them had a face to face, when they are in Baidicheng to find useful information North Face Women's Denali Jackets Sale,may ultimately have gained nothing ,only a temporary leave .
I to leave, they ask and Baidicheng related things .But the lazy sister as Baidicheng the Duke sister ,now reside in the day show in this matter is no secret ,that is they come day show the main cause of the trouble .
They want to start from the white lazy ,find Baidi secret secret ,in addition to spy on the missing Wu Xiangyang .But I they would not dream ,world, an unknown woman in the door will hide so many master .
Willow tree inside the tower now spirit order master ,the number of eight people Michael Kors Shoulder Bags Outlet Sale, two deicide ,lazy sister ,ya ,four mother ,Ouyang Yu ,was not held up Ling Yan Lei Day ,and go .
Eight of the eight people ,smoke Liu Pavilion here more than two handle franchise ,and Ling were Yan took, to Sandy that does not get the house what . To kill a few ? Tang Feng watched from Yan asked spirit .
Girl : his mouth twitched all run away . How to run ? Down wind suddenly ,girl in the million representation is how tough inside ?Nafu boy dare not light Ying on its front ,a spirit order goods and seven flexible order parts should do not expend what trick is .
Then Tang wind estimation girl standards should also be the spirit order of top grade . Occupy the body, carrying out the full strength, I could barely and that Xiao Shen Ning tied .
Ling Yan quietly from acoustic channel .This is the original ,Wan and there is a big different ,see million is h ú nsoul strength ,but here it is to rely on real skill . The wind less ,they would certainly come, what do we do now ? Soup of laugh one face scowl ,his enemies don but care about is their baby daughter ,who has family ,need to worry about too many things .
A killing one, two and two ,do not be afraid of them . Ray went on day Thor backsword UGG Tularosa Lace-up,marching .He came to day show also has a day, this time with smoke Liu GE people pretty well ,and two wanted more address each other as brothers .
This lightweight ,but only the thunder will think so ,the presence of the people know is Rishi Palace on ,probably nothing good to eat fruit .Either to hide their can place ,either playing they dare not come again ,this is the only way to solve the two problems .
Before a system is feasible ,but need to spend too much time ,Tang wind estimation arts palace is impossible to give themselves so much time the whole day show moving away .Also, the wind Tang did not want to do it .
Baidicheng there he considered flawless ,care less, only allowing them to move into the white dome ,avoid the scourge ,day show in here if it does so ,always feel weak others head ,in the heart of pain .
Let them come ! Just a moment ,Tang was determined ,it hides also hide but ,only once have trouble down ,to make arts palace shrink .As long as the arts palace troops not to turn out in full strength ,Tang wind will not be afraid of them .
If the house is really strong arts palace ,the palace of 100 spirit order master all sent out ,the wind Tang is also no good .Day show they washed with neck et al .From last one day show enemy invasion has over the past several years ,a giant sword door ,and this time it is sandy palace ,let the entire continent pale at the very center of the huge monster .
Everyone has no bottom, only the style of Tang Dynasty the one bustling about ,don know what to do ,others to practice, and strive to grow by more than a bit of strength ,to cope with the upcoming war .
Mountains and rivers and the lease was taken, Tang wind in the day show in a secret room and placed inside ,let all the spiritual order master hide inside cultivation .These two treasures a match up ,effect is absolutely amazing ,Stugen and the dragon vein of soul also people in a curious, but all are busy practicing ,Tang wind is given to Stugen issued a gag order ,lest he bla bla bla ,disturb the people .
Infusion medicine cadaver room ,Tang wind standing there ,looking at dozens of jars ,not by sighed ,time still rush ,these drugs are not forming the corpse ,cannot use at all ,if more than a year ,the hand can use medicine corpse will Duoersanshi ,the but the twenty or thirty who despised life spirit order master ,Sandy more people he would not be afraid .
From behind a slight noise ,Tang wind turned a look ,just see Mo tassel prowl in here looking .The house smells too heavy ,Mo tassel dare not come in . Sister come ? Down the wind out of the house UGG Classic Metallic Boots Sale,put the door shut .
Yes, I am. I search the door open ,thought who is not heart broke in ,come and have a look . She musters two Tuo Hongyun, each close contact with Tang style ,her city . This day ? Tang Feng hand stroked world forehead hair .
Oh, it Mo fringed with bowed head, eyes staring at her toes , sister ,sister and is miss . ? The wind Tang ha ha laugh .Yes, I am. No, I didn Really ? ... ... Yes. Tang Feng eyes turning two ,hold Mo fringed hand ,whispered : while they were not in ,we go .
.. ... Mo tassel blush such as blood ,every time the wind Tang told her ,she has a kind of a feeling ,heartbeat . Who ,give me out . Tang wind suddenly looked up ,staring at a corner of a voice of drink .
A good moment ,a human shadow before qieqiede L ù out,looking down the wind Oh pipe two ,Tang wind baby apprentice week butterfly .Tang Feng gas dead .Rare good atmosphere ,be the ghost wizard to destroy the lost girl .
Hey ,good master ,exactly . The butterfly is very sweet .Sneaking do what ? With the wind Tang asked . I came to find her governess . The butterfly is bitter face ,where she know Tang wind is here ,if you know ,what also won .
Butterfly occupied? Mo tassel asked . A student to practice the sword was injured when ,want about the treatment of wound . Butterfly telling the truth .She looked down the wind is fringed eyes ,Tang wind waving said: go North Face Backpacks Sale.
Before Tang see sister eyes are full of regret and guilt .Well, no play .Tang wind but also can only enter the chamber ,with the crowd together on land beside the cultivation of .
He practiced not impermanence tactic tactic ,but of the soul !Impermanence will now need not he took the initiative to practice ,to enter the harmony between man and nature ,is autonomous running every hour and moment formula ,in practice, may Ling tactic ,but must be in the spiritual pulse next to practice .
Enemies come around ,wasting time wind Tang nature is not dry ,unremittingly practice is a practice of strenthening the most basic conditions .Originally wind Tang think Santa house that eight people were turned a few days, even though they want to call in reinforcements came to the scene ,how to also want a month before the line ,what suitable results to and fro ,distance is not short .
But let the wind Tang did not think of is ,but the five day, ten powerful only belongs to spiritual order momentum from far and near, rapidly toward the side of Chi to . Come ! Chamber ,a group of people suddenly opened his eyes ,put up a pageantry enemies so ,no taboo whereabouts ,not only has the deterrent taste in them, but because they have full confidence to take day show in the let them eat flat case door .
Tang wind directly to the mountains and rivers and the deed included of space ,and they ran out of room neat .Although the wind Tang doubt enemies come so quickly ,but it .Run out of day show ,a group of people in the style of Tang Dynasty led by the stop in the rain lake, station in mid-air ,Tang wind can see beneath the day show students in order to will retreat .
This is the style of Tang Dynasty prior and Bai Suyi and Lin if the kite to discuss ,spirit order wars ,is likely to affect a wide range, only let the day show students away from the battlefield to safety .
Day show numerous students to retreat when sailing update group Tyrannosaurus provide candidate ,two figure was secretly m ō m ōinahead run ,this two people than others ,Zhou is the butterfly and Mo tassel .
Exactly ,it is the master finds out, he beat my ass . Although this week butterfly ,but eyes are full of excited . ,you blame me . Mo tassel body waves tremble ,hold a week butterfly hand ,two people quickly toward the front near the .
Every time ,each time the wind Tang battle when she cannot help ,only after he was injured and heal him ,at least once, she saw the peace .This time, perhaps the only chance . Exactly hide behind me well, I care .

