
wrong board can

Asian Heart Network (Intern Chen Hui) "can't buy cannot buy house; social security; not easy to find a girlfriend to get married, also be almost wronged into his......"In June 14th, a Urumqi city Xi Hong West Zhao Dengfeng face melancholy: the "civic identity card number is compiled only for every citizen, life-long legal identity code, why my ID number and the other two strangers?"The collar marriage certificate was wronged into his Zhao Dengfeng is 25 years old this year, the people of Henan, the first time he found his identity card and other heavy, is in the collar marriage certificate when.
Zhao Dengfeng 2002 to Xinjiang to work, during which he met now wife Zhang Haiyan, two people work together, hard but sweet affection.On 2004, two to the Civil Affairs Bureau Marriage license.Unexpectedly, immersed in the happiness of the young couple, but was slammed into a pot of cold water poured -- Civil Affairs Bureau staff said: "Zhao",Womens Puma Easy Rider, you get married, married!"Looking at his girlfriend's face sweet spot "petrifaction", Zhao Dengfeng "bass" out of a forehead sweat: "I, me.
.....Never married!"Bureau of civil affairs staff looking at the computer screen. "Zhao" married "speechless staring at him, made him crazy, originally you girlfriend threw off his hand, with his face, she ran off crying.
Until, Zhao Dengfeng from home out of that, to explain, and eventually married Zhang Haiyan.After back and four home did not solve the summer of 2007, Zhao Dengfeng City of Urumqi to a driving school registration, but registration examination,Womens Puma Tour Cat sale, Che Kwun but told him -- "your ID number had already taken the driving license.
"It is a pot of cold water,Christian Peep Toe, after Zhao Dengfeng in the DMV verification, is one with his identity card number of the same name but different people have been the first to Che Kwun by licensed, he cannot use the same ID number to obtain driver's license.
In last few years, because ID heavy number one thing, he spent over a million of money, before and after the four Henan back home.In his hometown, Suixian broad embankment Town police station, every where the officer told him, his identity is not the exception, refresh is good, but almost every time, back in Xinjiang, Zhao peak will meet new ID cards because of heavy, leading to the problem of.
Most recently, in 2009, he went back home to ID refresh time, return border, he was successful in driving school registration examination take the driver's license, but that he is extremely depressed -- is thereafter, he took the identity card to do a variety of business, computer displays are not I.
These days, Zhao Dengfeng plans to buy a house, he went to the Northwest Industrial and Commercial Bank of China for social security card, but once again the cold water, again casting to him -- he was told, "Zhao" has opened an account",Puma Running Cheap!But he can not open an account again, his ID card number has been account,Puma Carve Series!Oh my God!This can be done, the house will not buy ah!"Zhao Dengfeng repeatedly ID card numbers to staff said,Puma Mummy, but to no avail.
3 an ID number is rare but, Zhao Dengfeng call the hotline.Subsequently, the reporters visited Urumqi city public security bureau head Palace station.The police said: "Zhao" need to the residence of the local police station to apply for identity cards or related business.
"Staff also appeared heavy number phenomenon is introduced: "because the first generation ID card for registration, participation, number of personnel, quality is uneven, non-records, wrong board can not be avoided, not only have the ID card number wrong, heavy, still photographs.
Second generation ID card although realized the identity of national network, but it is also possible that network is not thoroughly updated, heavy, problems still occur."He also said: "heavy number reason must be two people are in the same administrative area, the same year on the same day was born, and same sex person may appear on the phenomenon, Zhao Dengfeng it and two heavy number phenomenon is very rare.

