
if there is one or two parents to do their embroidery, that is a very cosmetic thing. Grandmother, a woman in that era they did not get married before is rarely allowed to get out the door. Can only be spent on the Xiulou their period of childhood and youth, live wave nature grandmother character, sitting on the bench to stay less than 5 minutes. Live on the embroidery and the like have never been savvy. Did not suffer her mother's less training. Later, partly because of some changes in his home, had terminated. Fortunately, however, after many years there has this aura of a solution for her sister around. As a grandmother, her family is very strict house rules, because the grandmother's mother was intelligent and virtuous not only students, but also is able to housekeeping, although no more than However, in their whole family is still very prestigious. Also as their seniority, the eldest son of that grandson, or great in speaking tribal component. Therefore, more stringent requirements for their children. So I rarely see the grandmother remembers that when he went out, and up to walk around in the yard. First, because the grandmother was older, have families at home count my mother, grandmother in her nearly 40 years old my mother was born. It then has her feet could not walk. In the winter we would help her out of the sun. Then call her hot bubble foot, because her feet always hurt, my grandmother's feet, and only palm-sized adult, a fierce looked like a triangle Routuan, bend back from the arch, toes gave stick together. In addition to Bigfoot thumb nail to see that the other could not see. Because the other has feet, the nails are often attached to the meat long and toes and stick together. See I do not dare touch. Had to give her more water bubbles, etc. to soften some of the nails, with a blade to her bits a

