
then the woman in the form of SMS extortion

Qiu Lihua Xia Liang) , Xinhua Zhejiang Channel December 1 (reporter , served as the convenience of the police station, the Police Association can view the online population in Police , hotel accommodations registration, and other information , of Ouhai Police Association Huang Xiaozhong use by hotel guests , blackmail , Lucheng District Prosecutor's Office has approved the arrest on suspicion of extortion .
now 26-year-old Huang Xiaozhong Department of Ouhai Station Police Association . One day in September this year , Huang Xiaozhong hotel guest registration information can be found online in the public security intranet query Huang Xiaozhong shines at hand are money ,cheap mbt shoes buy, feel that they have to find a way of making money .
Huang Xiaozhong , the population of the public security online hotel accommodation , registration and other information , the men and women travelers arrive at a hotel search to verify ,MBT Kipimo, such as found they are not husband and wife is having an affair suspects ,ferrari puma sale, then the woman in the form of SMS extortion, threat to inform the woman's husband if the woman refused to give money .
According Huang Xiaozhong own account , every time he extortion amount of 5000-3000 yuan ranging from September to October this year , extortion seven or eight persons ,puma shoes cheap, extortion proceeds amount is probably more than 20,000 yuan .
October 21 this year ,puma shoes for sale, the victim reported to the police ,MBT Shoes Barabara, Huang Xiaozhong was arrested .

