
of hundred dollar

The parties of the case relation diagram of flashback :news at noon on May 30th, Shenyang public security Tiexi District thirteen Street Road near the junction of a jeep ,a man knocked down a man ,continuous to the old man was thrown gasoline and lit ,the elderly body burns over 95% .
Yesterday, reporters once again return to the scene, spend a lot of time ,visited the large number of witnesses and the insider .The suspect was a man surnamed Li ,yesterday, the Shenyang police to the District Public Security Bureau and the police station and police issued a notice ,to offer a reward of 100000 yuan ,Ming found Li x ,a person can provide clues to police or direct dial 110 .
The suspect and the victim is the brother-in-law, a witness said ,many of the media reported the suspects were using the middle man this name ,but in fact ,the suspect than middle-aged man older ,should be between 50 to 55 years old .
The man is of medium height, about 1 meters in 7, skin blackening ,witnesses also pay special attention to ,the suspects have Hu stubble .In addition ,to witness the impression is ,the crime suspects dressed neatly, quickly effective modus operandi crime after the end ,unhurried left the scene ,one .
Previously, the newspaper from insiders Department received a message ,the suspect is the victim of a brother-in-law Tong ,for this statement, yesterday, the reporter after multi-party confirmation ,finally proved to be true .
Yesterday, the reporter Tong brother-in-law according to certain clues that a hard mission ,until 3 pm ,finally informed ,Tong X brother-in-law Li x Ming is the case the parties involved .
The reporter understands ,Li x Ming age should be more than 50 years old ,and his wife divorced .Before the divorce, Li x Ming and his ex-wife had a factory .Divorce, factory to his ex-wife ,the exact cause is unknown .
Li x Ming ex-wife is the victim of Tong a wife .Otherwise the insider,Men Puma Holiday Series, the victim Tong XX appears in Li x Ming ex factory operating .And maybe ,this is caused by Li x Ming charge oil burning car is one of the important reasons .
Yesterday, the reporter tried to find Li x Ming ex factory ,unfortunately ,no results .The Kindle 3 gasoline bottle Tong XX from small out bumped, got witnesses confirmed .Witnesses say ,Christian Louboutin Sandals,Tong x out, stopped at the side of the road ,location is the drive side ,rather than on the sidewalk ,is likely to take a taxi ,rather than take the bus, then ,the jeep coming from behind ,knocking him down .
A neighbor called ,Tong x going out is the car receives a car to send ,may be suspect some days ,waiting for him to walk home alone this time .A witness told the reporter provides accurate quantity of gasoline bottle .
Witnesses said the suspect fired ,3 ,site and 2 seals the bottle mouth ,gasoline bottle number should be 5 .The police suspect that provide information ,lit by 3 gas bottles .Li x prescribed crime of vehicles using the original belonging to the county Xiushui River Sub credit cooperatives ,credit unions that have this car ,but have long been sold ,no transfer .
The message is that the vehicle is not the deck, as vehicles to switch to Li x Ming hands ,because credit cooperatives declined the offer to resell information ,so it is still a mystery .
Yesterday, the reporter found Li x Ming had rented a house ,but the surrounding residents say ,never heard of such a person in here .  ;  ;  ;police offered a reward of 100000 wanted to arrest yesterday, the voice that comes from authoritative branch ,Shenyang police offered a reward of 100000 yuan ,wanted to capture the escaped suspect Li x ,at the same time,Womens MBT Kesho MJ Shoes, capture the police in the arrest operation, to be careful ,to prevent police injuries and accidents .
If people found the suspect ,can directly dial 110 the police, police will be in the fastest time to appear .An unnamed police say . Although a certain degree of conclusion ,but exactly what is the cause of the incident ,not to say ,all this need he captured, after Tu Shen ,after we verify verify to the cause of qualitative .
An insider revealed .Prior to this ,Shenyang police by the parties ,their families and the scene to find witnesses a visit later, immediately locked the suspect ,but against the arrests in the case after less than an hour and expansion .
Shenyang city Tiexi district police station has received police issued a notice ,a policeman expresses ,in routine patrol ,MBT Store,police stepped up to the suspect investigation efforts . As long as he appeared ,must not run .
A police said .News in person :Li * bright character of no fixed abode the reporter understands ,MBT Women's Kipimo,Li x Ming introverted ,after divorce, basic not alien contact ,he almost no friends ,very lonely .
Insider, Li x Ming from the marriage, the economic situation has great problems ,who do not have much money ,has changed a few places to rent a house, of no fixed abode .When Li x Ming had no money, went out with the vehicle for other people to hold the feet ,no money, just live in your car .
There are insider analysis ,number of years of life go into a cul-de-sac with eccentric personality, rancor in heart accumulation ,charge burning car is always erupt ,triggered by the fuse is his former brother-in-law Tong .
The scene of hundred dollar bills which comes? Of no fixed abode or fax ,two kinds of reasons can explain Li x bright car appeared in the case .But Li X that has no money ,no money on the spot may be thrown ,then the site of hundred dollar bills is how going on ?According to a witness,Puma Sprint 2 Lux NM Shoes, scene of more than 10 Zhang Baiyuan notes ,not Li x prescribed body ,also not to throw money distributed attention manages to escape ,money is the victim of Tong XX carry .
The witness said ,there may be a fire instantaneously ignited, the warm air will Tong a body of hundred dollar bills into the air .Chief reporter Zhao Yongping Wen Junyong welcomed the comment

