
not in addition to the old. Many mothers can not bear

Was fascinating and charming, popular in China for thousands of years the earth's It is testimony enough to fulfill the Chinese culture, a history, but also the history of humiliation of Chinese women. Grandma's for the So Speaking of Grandma is a two feet. Does not belong to the kind of lotus feet up called Wrapped her feet in less than three years, Sun Yat-sen became provisional president, on March 13, 1912 issued an order to persuade the country through the ordered ban on foot-binding. But she also has tasted this most painful foot-binding process, the basic shape of the foot. From the three-year-old girl began to foot-binding, generally three or four years can be Until adulthood, bone shape with only solution to the cloth. Have life-long wrapping, not in addition to the old. Many mothers can not bear, are not ourselves. But to her daughter's life had to do so against one. This is they have to have this experience. Grandmother was born in 1906, the family still very rich. Not only to have the Court also requested a long-term employment. Mother said be listening to the rich peasants. Home is also available Xiulou like. Because the grandmother's sister had a wonderful hand embroidery alive. When my mother also worked with small learned, when it comes to how art, a maximum count of the mother into the interlude. Because she only embroidered small objects, such as pillowcases, aprons like a small child's. I was small I have enjoyed my mother's embroidered shoes. Although the grandmother as the family's eldest daughter, is also much loved parents. But the grandmother will just hold the needle when you have specifically requested to do family living in a good embroidery experts, b

