
once molding

To hear an ice words ,Xie Aoyu and others all doubts to see her .Ice dance was a laugh ,do not point .She goes, Xie Aoyu is not a good sweat ,they will be in accordance with the requirements of the dance ,to stay here for a few days training .
As for Liu Jin ,still can .Before he left, Xie Aoyu let him sent off days of silence around the hill and learn the news ,to monitor the monotheism ,in this regard ,slawter rat race is the most suitable, but Xie Aoyu do not have to worry about .
He also feel at ease here practicing .Phoenix died in about one hundred thousand years ,but it still makes the space within the world of strength is abundant, and maintained its body has not been destroyed ,most surprisingly ,Xie Aoyu can feel ,a little fire properties of the ice flame ghost leopard king here practicing speed is more day tomorrow .
Xie Aoyu removes the distracting thoughts ,his intention to practice .The strength of the desire to make Xie Aoyu once practice, are often able to concentrate ,into the best state of cultivation to the .
Don much long, are practicing in Xie Aoyu felt a faint energy wave came, very familiar feeling ,that is the power of soul .Xie Aoyu can it opened my eyes .He saw ,an ice body has the slightest hint of light flashing, is a little weak fluctuation of energy from her body to pass out ,falling in the Phoenix bodies ,and the weak energy fluctuations of the Phoenix actually faint appears from its in vivo was born a little soul .
Xie Aoyu hearts ,sale karen millen,suddenly understand the purpose of ice .She has a young chicken blood, though not pure ,after all is the Phoenix blood, so the soul force inside to Phoenix atmosphere ,and the Phoenix is obviously soul to be killed ,if ice dance its soul into its body a little ,and is not exclusive ,so can short the excitation of Phoenix some abilities, especially the Phoenix in vivo blood to be raised as to have the peak period of force .
So ,the young phoenix dance blood might become butterfly orchids if after as the pure blood of the Phoenix ,figure skating achievement is remarkable .Xie Aoyu sees this case ,had been too much consideration .
He is still continuing his training .Just as the ice dance soul forces continuously into the Phoenix in the body ,make the body as signs of Phoenix resurrection ,also makes the world more abundant strength ,Xie Aoyu was initially in the souls of the dead Island above practice feeling ,improve the speed is very fast .
An hour later ,Xie Aoyu once again awakened .This is no longer an ice output soul force ,but Phoenix body exudes atmosphere ,already have that kind of strong coercion ,UGG Jimmy Choo Starlit Boots,as though it were raised .
And clear ,and son ,slawter rat king and ice flame ghost leopard king have to wake up .A few people at the Phoenix bodies .Still be in good out of a bandbox appearance, is still a binocular give a person a kind of being stared at feeling ,but savour carefully will find ,that look like with a weak fluctuations ,as the mood fluctuation .
It is really signs of recovery .At the same time ,Xie Aoyu also found ,an ice body is undergoing some wonderful changes, although she has young chicken blood, can itself does not have what Phoenix tribe unique flavor ,after all what is a young chicken blood, that is just barely have some blood young Phoenix ,Phoenix ,young Phoenix ,it is just the birth of the Phoenix ,only to grow up, it may become strong invincible monster ,Sale Karen Millen Dress 2011,that is to say the figure skating blood in the Phoenix Group eyes ,are not good enough .
But as her soul force and Phoenix body contact ,at the moment of ice on smells of gradually forming the Phoenix .Xie Aoyu and butterfly orchids if after contact is not much, but look at her with Phoenix for Phoenix blood ,blood smell extraordinarily sensitive .
When an ice breath after metamorphosis ,he is aware of .Ice dance in the metamorphosis .Xie Aoyu three and two magic bestial are quietly watching ,they said nothing ,just waiting to have the Phoenix blood ice dance .
Once the ice dancing achievements Phoenix blood, so her future limitless .A little bit of time past .Ice dancing on the Phoenix atmosphere is more and more heavy ,her soul force with the Phoenix Group peculiar taste naturally heavier ,continuing into the Phoenix in the body ,the Phoenix bodies gradually actually emit a trace of the angry not much, if any ,and the Phoenix eyes slowly closed .
Originally distributed around the coercion shuran disappear .Coercion is a kind of invisible presence ,can give a person the pressure that the psychological feeling more ,but now I like a corpse by the Phoenix force ,to absorb the back .
This change ,let alone Xie Aoyu ,uninformed ,even if there is a part of the Phoenix blood ice flame nether leopard King Jing of systemic hair ruffled ,his eyes emit ghostly light ,shine with the cold flame ,looks very eerie ,seem to attack .
Xie Aoyu puzzled look to the ice flame ghost leopard king ,said: how ? It was resurrected . Ice flame ghost leopard King sound is very low, appearing a fear of color . It has been dead for about one hundred thousand years ,how would be resurrected ,it was an ice with Phoenix blood soul forces in that its body back to life when the peak time ,can use it to complete metamorphosis ,blood .
Xie Aoyu said .Which know ice flame ghost leopard Wang shook his head : no, it revived ! See it so seriously, Xie Aoyu et al and slawter rat Royal feel hair ruffled ,cold wind, back straight run the air conditioner ,but died about one hundred thousand years Phoenix bodies ah ,how be resurrected .
You mean it? Slawter rat King feared word .Unequal ice flame nether leopard King openings ,they will see the eyes of the Phoenix corpse suddenly open eyes ,a a riot of colours light from its eyes scattered out .
Resurrection. Of all the people and the devil beast feel heart startled ,can the backwards .Only the soul communication with ice without feeling . ! In this extremely quiet underground four thousand meters place ,the Phoenix suddenly twisted about his neck ,sends a clear sound, make people doubt whether its neck to twist off .
Phoenix then emit colorful light lock eyes with Xie Aoyu .Brush !Is almost without any consideration of slawter rat emperor is a drop bass in Xie Aoyu body, to make a fight .It moves people looked ridiculous ,is moving .
In the face of the Phoenix ,who can resist? It is the impact of ten order battle emperor was assassinated ,but a death rat king did not hesitate to stand in the body of Xie Aoyu ,its a loyal to Xie Aoyu heart is very powerful ,Timberland Earthkeepers Cupsole Boat Shoe Cheap,but they do not have any indentured .
Slawter rat king in his mind status bass bass climb .Ice flame ghost leopard king sent ,scared and stepped back ,just out of the wild smell seems to be that multicolored eyes swept away ,all the pieces ,or even limbs shivering in the complete absence of order ten ,the achievements of the future emperor of the war that should have in the style of the beast .
Comparison of two two ,already can see .But the guts ,Xie Aoyu also valued slawter rat imperial success definitely better than ice flame ghost leopard king high ,if it is destined to be ten order of battle royal ,whether alive at that level ,it is difficult to say .
And clear and Aura standing in Xie Aoyu side ,alert at phoenix .They hold a sword ,a battle royal hollnway magic burst Apollo arch .In their tense time ,Phoenix does not open mouth, but from its body to upload voice ,flashing multicolored light eyes stared at Xie Aoyu ,said: help me again ! They were not by one .
Help it revive ?Xie Aoyu was also shocked ,he pointed to his nose , you dead? Phoenix eyes blink ,as if in response . How can I help you ? Xie Aoyu was at road . Let go of ego ,soul force .
.. ... Phoenix appears to speak very difficult, can not say that did not say ,and never say a useless word .Everything seems very weak phoenix .But it looks over the ice flame ghost leopard king, indeed brought endless compression force ,like a hammer blow on his heart, general .
Xie Aoyu have a look have a look that ice dancing Phoenix ,then ,know that they must save it . ,and what is the relationship between the Phoenix group . Xie Aoyu Shen channel . Multicolored phoenix ! Four words is very dull, but as a sudden clap of thunder ,shocking everyone felt a fit of dizziness .
Xie Aoyu swallowed the saliva dry ,to oneself said: multicolored Phoenix Phoenix ,and advanced ,how could this be ,you ,you ... ... He didn know what to say .Phoenix Group the strongest is the evil chicken, the evil chicken molding too deep ,too harsh, it is almost impossible to truly born ,as early as in looking for Chi Yang animal bone at the time ,Xie Aoyu met the Fung Mo Xiao Yan month gun device may become evil spirit is the Phoenix Phoenix ghost wolf soul ,but eventually not forming .
But the evil chicken once molding ,doomed to success ten order and imperial level .Called the Phoenix group most powerful presence ,other Phoenix is not without hope to reach this level ,is very difficult ,not easy to achieve, but the evil chicken once molding ,in practice a way ,do not encounter any difficulty, therefore the evil chicken is known as the Phoenix first strong .
But the ancient evil rumors ,Phoenix is not the ultimate existence ,it can evolve .Advanced is the evil chicken ... ... Multicolored phoenix !The so-called multicolored Phoenix ,is the evil chicken advanced to ,once achieved multicolored Phoenix body ,then the future achievement ,spanning ten order battle royal in legends, also can be done ,it only by so doing can become world history a most invincible phoenix .
Of course ,the legend multicolored Phoenix is not ultimate evolution ,but also advanced ,only multicolored Phoenix is just a legend ,but without further advanced .It seems to prove his identity ,multicolored Phoenix thrown colored Guanghua ,green ,yellow ,green ,blue ,purple five colors ,is the eye is multicolored light .
Look at the colorful Phoenix ,Xie Aoyu thought for a while ,said: I help you ! PS :flared end !No trace for VIP support for your brother !Tomorrow returned to normal daily updates 

